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Supporting the next generation

November 12, 2023 1 min read

Explore our commitment to the local college community through our partnership with the 'Give a Future' program

The Pretty Parcel are proud to be working with the North Hertfordshire College in support of their Give A Future programme!

Give a future is an initiative where businesses are being asked to support students by passing on skills and knowledge to support their development. 

We at The Pretty Parcel are always looking to support individuals where we can, and this was an opportunity we felt couldn’t be missed.

 North Herts College Give a Future Program 

We recognise that the world at the moment is  pretty daunting, even more so for the younger  generation. By being involved with the Give A  Future programme we will be helping the next  generation gain a small step towards a  rewarding and successful career. 

We were recently invited to visit the college to  discuss the initiative and see how we can support, develop and inspire their students!




Through our partnership with the college, we're providing the students the opportunity to help us create and implement a project per business for 2024. This will provide the students with new skills and knowledge about business and the industries our brands exist in. The students will be expected to follow the project outlines presented to them by our team and create their own take of the project. The students will present their final projects to us and we will have to pick one per brand!

North Herts College Give a Future Program

Keep checking our social media channels as we will keep you updated with the exciting ideas that we have planned for this inspirational program. 


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